Letters addressed to the editor must contain a maximum of 750 words, 1-2 pictures or tables and no more that 10 relevant references; they must be signed by 6 or less of the authors. General articles should not be simple reviews from the literature, but they must also contain new information for the reader.

Editorials should be concise; this type of article does not need a special format or an abstract.

The text is to be edited in Word, using Times New Roman 12 font, spaced at 1. Only standard abbreviations, symbols and nomenclature are permitted; new abbreviations will be defined at their first mentioning in the text. Measuring units will be abbreviated only when placed next to numbers.

Measuring units for length, height, weight, volume must be of the metric system (meter, kilogram, liter). Temperature will be in Celsius degrees and blood pressure in mm Hg.

Tables will be numbered consecutively to their appearance in the text using roman numbers and a short title. The title will be placed above the table. Non-standard abbreviations used in the table will be explained in a footnote. Tables will be inserted at 2 rows distance, on separate pages.

Pictures will be numbered consecutively to their appearance using arab numbers and a short title. The title will be placed under the picture. Pictures will be accompanied by a legend (which explains clearly the letters, numbers, symbols or arrows used in the picture; sufficient information in order to interpret the picture without text reference should be provided).

Pictures will be drawn in a professional manner and photographed or computer generated; hand drawn pictures will not be accepted; letters, numbers and symbols should be big and clear enough in order to be read after image-reduction applied for publishing. Micro photographs should contain inner measuring scales.

Sources and/or authors of images from public domain must always be cited; copyrighted images require the author’s permission. Images will be placed on separate pages.

Special thanks will be addressed to those who had a significant contribution to the research or to the preparation of the manuscript.

Bibliography must be numbered according to text appearance order and will be identified by arab numbers between brackets. Style and punctuation of the references must be according to the text used in Index Medicus, National Library of Medicine. When there are 6 or less authors, all of them are to be mentioned; when there are more than 6 authors, the first 6 are mentioned and “&co” is added.

References regarding personal  presentations or unpublished data inserted in the text will not be mentioned in the bibliography.

Statistical data: statistic methods used for each analysis must be mentioned.

The manuscript is to be sent to the following address:
Dr. Radu Niculescu
Romanian Hematology Society,
258 Fundeni Sreet, district 2, Bucharest, zip code: 022328
with the mention  “for the magazine” in electronic format (preferably CD) and in 2 printed copies.

The manuscript will be accompanied by a affidavit stating the final manuscript has not been published and is not in the course of being published and has been accepted by all the authors.