Conferințe și Congrese Internaționale


Evenimente Internaționale

ASH Annual Meeting&Exposition

Attend the world’s most comprehensive hematology event of the year for an invaluable educational experience and the opportunity to review thousands of scientific abstracts highlighting updates in the hottest topics in hematology.

2021 Highlights of ASH

Attend Highlights of ASH to get a synopsis of the top hematology research presented at the latest ASH annual meeting, and learn how it can help improve your patient management and care strategies.

ASH Meeting on Hematologic Malignancies

The ASH Meeting on Hematologic Malignancies features the top experts in the field, comprehensive clinical content, and opportunities for engagement.

ASH Consultative Hematology Course

The ASH Consultative Hematology Course (CHC) is an interactive, half-day program led by faculty familiar with consultative practice issues and commonly encountered clinical problems that require the expertise of a hematologist.