Working groups for second opinion

Working groups for second opinion

The Romanian Society of Hematology organizes the monthly Working Group event with the aim of facilitating collaboration, consulting and sharing the experiences of hematologists in the country regarding the cases encountered.

Each hematologist has the opportunity to propose a case for discussion by uploading a presentation (Word, PDF, PowerPoint) to the platform. For each condition will meet a specialist committee that will consult and recommend a way to resolve the case proposed.

We invite you to join our initiative and collaborate together for the development of the hematology community from Romania. Propose a case on the SRH platform by pressing the button below:

How can you propose a case?

Step 1: Access the SRH platform and log in with your data (if you don't remember your password, you can use the "forgot password" function)

Step 2: Press the "SUBMIT A CASE" button

Step 3: Complete the form, choosing the appropriate working group and uploading a PPT file with the case presentation

Step 4: The Scientific Committee will be notified and it will be determined when the appropriate discussion will take place

Step 5: Appropriate discussion will take place on the SRH platform

Groups of Work SLPC

Events organized to facilitate collaboration and sharing of experiences hematologists in the country regarding the proposed cases.

SRH Platform

Groups of Work MM and Monoclonal Gammapathies

Events organized in the spirit of the idea of consultation and second opinion about it diagnosis and other situations that may arise regarding MM and Gammapathies Monoclonal.

SRH Platform

Groupsof Work LA/ SMD and Transplantation

Events organized to facilitate collaboration and sharing of experiences hematologists in the country regarding LA/ MDS and Transplantation.

SRH Platform

Groups of Work SMPC

SMPC Working Groups are events organized to encourage and facilitate communication and collaboration of hematologists in the country.

SRH Platform

University year improvement course program. 2013-2014

Courses and practical activities for doctors and biologists in the field of clinical and laboratory hematology.


Knowledge Center

  • Instant and unlimited access to information
  • Studies, articles and news
  • Latest information from hematology
  • Registration of doctors and residents
  • The largest database